social media marketing strategy

Building Your Social Media Marketing Strategy for 2021

Today, lots of individuals are using various social media channels every day. Consequently, social media has continued to be a prominent platform for businesses to reach out to their target audience and get sales.

So, if you want to improve your business and attract more customers, you should build an excellent social media marketing strategy. In 2021, here are the things you can do to create a result-oriented social media marketing strategy:

  • Create social media goals that are relevant to your business

The first step to building your social media marketing strategy is setting your social media goals. However, it is paramount to ensure that the goals are relevant to your business. Generally, each goal must play a critical role in boosting your brand awareness, driving more traffic to your platforms, attracting more customers, and generating more sales. Notably, there are other goals that you may want to consider as long as they are relevant to your business.

social media marketing strategy

  • Learn more about your target audience

If you are going to succeed in your social media marketing strategy in 2021, your strategy must suit the needs and preferences of your target audience. Therefore, you must take time to learn more about your audience.

Get started by using a social media analytics tool to learn about their demographic characteristics such as age range, location, wealth status, gender, etc. Furthermore, consider the factors that affect purchasing power and buying decisions.

In addition, you should research the social media platforms that most of your target audiences use. With this knowledge, it will easier for you to determine the best platforms you can use to reach your audiences. Overall, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn are some of the best social media platforms to pitch your business.

  • Create interesting content

Your content is perhaps the most important part of your social media marketing strategy. Even if you can attract your target audience with other factors, you may not be able to retain them if your content is not interesting. Therefore, it is essential to create engaging content that is in line with your business.

Notably, your content can come in different forms such as short articles/blogs, videos, infographics, pictures, etc. Regardless of the form of content you are using, make sure that it follows the theme of your business.

  • Understand the best time to post your content

Although you may feel that posting your content anytime is okay, research has shown that some periods tend to be more productive than others. This is because there are times when people tend to be most active on different social media platforms. Therefore, posting during those periods will likely bring more engagement.

For instance, posting on Facebook on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday at about 12 to 4 pm will likely give more engagement than posting at other times. On the other hand, the best time to share content on Instagram is Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday at around 11 am to 1 pm. Other platforms also have different best posting times.

  • Be human

Nowadays, most social media users are looking for brands that can relate to them like humans. So, if your brand posts or relates with your target audiences like robots, you may lose lots of followers.

Given this, always display your human side in everything you do on social media. If there is a forthcoming celebration, don’t hesitate to relate it to your business and send greetings to your audiences. This will allow your followers to see you as a human that they can relate to easily.

  • Check out your competitors

Even though you are not meant to copy your competitors, you can learn lots of things from them. Therefore, you shouldn’t hesitate to check out your competitors. Foremost, decide who your closest and major competitors are and consider the social media platforms they are utilizing.

Also, learn from the things they do well and avoid the ones they are not doing well. Check out the content that is giving them the most engagement. All these things can help to know more about your market and create the best social media marketing strategy that will improve your business.

  • Work with a social media promoter/influencer

Whether you run a small or big business, you can gain tons of benefits from working with social media promoters and influencers. Typically, a social media promoter has sufficient online credibility and large followership. Such a promoter will help you to reach more people and may even convince some individuals to use your services or products. Although you are going to pay a social media promoter or influencer to promote your business on social channels, the results will be likely worth it. Therefore, work with a social media promoter.

  • Be consistent

Lots of businesses have a strong and well-curated social media marketing strategy. However, because they are not consistent, they don’t tend to enjoy the benefits of the strategy. You should avoid such a mistake by following on how you can be consistent in promoting your business on social media.

Make sure you have a social media schedule for determining how often you must post, share others’ content, engage your audiences, etc. This schedule will propel you to post regularly and, therefore, stay in touch with your audiences.

  • Track the metrics and KPIs

Metrics and KPIs are vital elements that can show you how well your social media marketing strategy is doing. They allow you to understand whether you are achieving your goals or not. Some of the metrics you must pay attention to include:

  • Clicks
  • Reach
  • Engagement
  • Sentiment
  • Hashtag performance
  • Paid likes
  • Organic likes
  • Keep improving

Social media marketing is not a one-off marketing technique. There is a need for you to continue working on it to achieve the desired results. Therefore, you must always assess your social marketing strategy to see what is working and improve it. For the things that are not working, it is time you replaced them.

With the information above, we have shown you the social media marketing strategy you can use to enhance your business in 2021.
