Facebook Gefällt mir Angaben

Frequently Asked


Have a different question about how we works or the pricing plans available? Get in touch with one of our specialists.

Q1. How can you get more likes on your Facebook Page?

Antworten. Sie können versuchen, Ihren Facebook-Seiten zu folgen, um mehr Likes zu erhalten.

Posten Sie interaktive Inhalte über Videos und Fotos.

Antworten Sie auf Kommentare zu Ihrem Posts.

Kaufen Sie Facebook-Seiten-Likes von einer seriösen Quelle.

Q2. Why should I buy Facebook Page Likes?

Antwort. Facebook-Seiten-Likes sind ein Beweis dafür, dass Sie sich von Ihrer Konkurrenz abheben. Sie sollten kaufen Facebook mag, wenn:

  • Sie möchten, dass die Welt Ihr Talent sieht.
  • Sie möchten mehr Fans anziehen.
  • Sie möchten sofort berühmt werden.
  • Sie möchten authentisch wirken.
  • Sie möchten Ihr Ranking bei Google verbessern.
  • Sie möchten mehr Leads und mehr Verkäufe.

Q3. Why is buying Facebook likes a good idea?

Antwort. „Facebook-Likes“ sind äußerst wichtig. Sie zeigen an, dass Ihr Unternehmen beliebt ist und einen Mehrwert bietet. Darüber hinaus gibt es unzählige andere Vorteile, die Sie genießen können. Zum Beispiel:

  •  Kaufen Likes sind einfach und bequem.
  • Sie sind kostengünstig.
  •  Ihre Seite wird von Suchmaschinen und Zielgruppen gesehen.

Q4. Do businesses really buy Facebook Page Likes?

Antworten. Natürlich, ja. Facebook ist in der heutigen Welt ein Social-Media-Gigant. Wo jedes Unternehmen, egal ob klein oder groß, präsent sein muss. Ein großer Teil des digitalen Marketings umfasst Social Media Management und Marketing. Unternehmen kaufen Facebook-Likes, um sich von der Konkurrenz abzuheben und ihre Reichweite zu vergrößern.

Q5. How does buying Facebook Page Likes work?

Antwort. Alles beginnt mit der Auswahl des richtigen Pakets Facebook-Seite mag. Sobald Sie mit der Auswahl des richtigen Pakets fertig sind, können Sie uns die URL Ihrer Facebook-Seite mitteilen und die Zahlung verarbeiten, und Sie sind fertig. Unser Team beginnt kurze Zeit später mit der Bewerbung Ihrer Inhalte.

Q6. Where do these Facebook Page Likes come from?

Antwort. Die Likes für Facebook-Seiten, die wir liefern, stammen von echten Facebook-Konten aus der ganzen Welt, sodass Sie Ihre Popularität steigern können organisch und ohne gesperrt zu werden.

Q7. What happens if someone unlikes my Page?

Antwort.  Alle Likes, die wir bei Instant Famous liefern, stammen von echten Menschen. Das heißt, sie haben einen freien Willen, und wir haben keine Kontrolle darüber. Sie können Ihre Seite später ablehnen. Um diese Situation zu vertuschen, überliefern wir jedoch den Betrag Ihrer Bestellung. Außerdem bieten wir eine 30-tägige kostenlose Nachlieferung an. Falls die Likes Ihrer Seite sinken, können Sie eine Entschädigung verlangen.
Instant Famous

Q8. How can you see who liked your Facebook page?

Antwort. Wenn Sie eine geschäftliche Facebook-Seite haben, können Sie auf zwei Arten sehen, wem Ihre Seite gefällt:

  1. Indem Sie Demografien auf Ihrer Facebook-Admin-Seite anzeigen.
  2. Indem Sie ein Facebook verwenden Business Page-Anwendung auf Ihrem Smartphone.

Q9. Is buying Facebook likes safe to use?

Antwort. Absolut ja! Gekaufte Facebook-Likes dienen als Marketinginstrument für Ihre Facebook-Seite. Sie vergrößern nicht nur Ihr Publikum, sondern helfen Ihnen auch dabei, neue Fans zu gewinnen. Aber nur, wenn Sie es sind Kaufen Sie sie von einem seriösen Unternehmen, damit sie echt, sicher und langlebig sind und bessere Ergebnisse erzielen.

Q10. Can I get banned for buying Facebook Likes?

Antwort.  Nein. Facebook sperrt Sie niemals dafür Likes bekommen und für Ihr Unternehmen werben. Sie können nur gesperrt werden, wenn Ihre gekauften Likes Spam sind. Andernfalls besteht keine Chance, dass Sie gesperrt werden, solange Sie Ihre Likes an der richtigen Stelle kaufen und sie in der richtigen Häufigkeit geliefert bekommen.

Q11. Do you sell real Facebook likes?

Antwort. Ja! Sie erhalten nur echte Facebook-Seiten-Likes. Wir verwenden keine betrügerischen Methoden, um Ihre Likes zu liefern. Keine Software, keine Proxys. Nur echte Likes von Original-Facebook-Konten!

Q12. Do you offer Custom Packages?

Antwort. Ja, wenn Sie in unseren bereits erwähnten Paketen nicht das Passende finden, können Sie uns kontaktieren, um ein maßgeschneidertes Paket für Sie zusammenzustellen. Wir werden mehr als sein helfen gerne.

Q13. Is your checkout secure?

Antwort. Ja. Sie zahlen über unseren SSL-geschützten Checkout, bei dem wir niemals Ihre persönlichen Daten speichern. Sie können also beruhigt sein, denn Sie sind in sicheren Händen.

Q14. Do you offer support?

Antwort. Wir bieten Live-Chat-Support rund um die Uhr. Egal, ob es Tag oder Nacht ist, Sie können sich jederzeit mit Ihren Fragen an uns wenden.

Q15. How long does it take you to deliver my Facebook Page likes?

Antworten. Sie können bald nach Ihrer Bestätigung mit einem Wachstum auf Ihrer Facebook-Seite rechnen deine Bestellung. Aber das gesamte Verfahren zum Liefern von Likes kann von der Paketgröße abhängen.

Q16. What is the recommended amount of buying Facebook Likes?

Antwort. Sie können so viele Likes für Facebook-Seiten kaufen, wie Sie benötigen. Aber Sie müssen ein wenig schlau sein, wenn Sie Facebook-Likes für Ihre Seite kaufen. Normalerweise bekommt eine Facebook-Seite 150 bis 200 Likes pro Stunde. Mehr oder weniger, dann kann beides ungünstig für Sie sein. Wenn Sie mehr Likes als sonst erhalten, werden Sie möglicherweise vom Radar von Facebook wegen Spamming erwischt. Wenn die Anzahl Ihrer Likes andererseits gering ist, erzielen Sie möglicherweise nicht die gewünschten Ergebnisse. Es ist am besten, das Rennen langsam, stetig und klug zu gewinnen.

Q17. Does Facebook delete bought likes?

Antwort. Facebook löscht Bot-generierte Likes oder Likes, die durch Proxys erreicht wurden. Wenn die von Ihnen erzielten Facebook-Likes jedoch unwirklich sind und Ihre Seite von ihnen bombardiert wird, kann Facebook Ihre Unternehmensseite sperren. Du musst also besonders vorsichtig sein.

Q18. Will anyone know I bought the Facebook Page Likes?

Antwort. Wir erbringen unsere Dienstleistungen gemäß den Industriestandards. Wir geben niemals Ihre persönlichen Daten weiter (und werden dies auch niemals tun). Sie können also auf unsere Dienste vertrauen, denn niemand wird von Ihren gekauften Facebook-Likes erfahren, bis Sie es ihnen sagen.

Q19. Are the results guaranteed?

Antwort.  Ja, wir stehen hinter jedem von uns angebotenen Dienst . Daher können Sie beim Investieren Ihres Geldes ruhig bleiben, da die Ergebnisse zu 100% garantiert sind. Falls Ihre Seite die Likes ablehnt, bieten wir auch eine erneute Lieferung innerhalb von 30 Tagen an.

€7.99 €9.99

Boost Your Engagement with Facebook Likes

Buying Facebook likes increases your post’s visibility and credibility, attracting more attention and interactions.

Enhance your Facebook presence with Instant Famous' affordable likes packages for greater engagement and faster growth

Instant Delivery Guaranteed

Don't wait to get your Likes. Orders typically process within minutes of purchase

100% Real Likes

High-quality Likes delivered instantly from real users with real accounts (no bots or fake accounts). We guarantee a quality service.

24/7 Customer Support

Instant Famous's experienced staff prides itself on providing the best service possible.

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Want to become popular faster? Then buy Facebook Likes from Instant Famous


Facebook is entertaining and has become one of the most popular social networking sites all across the world. People use Facebook to gather followers, as well as to market their business because it‘s the social media platform on which people spend the most amount of time. 

Facebook page likesNowadays, most business owners market their business through Facebook pages regarding their company and products. Facebook is the biggest among all the social networking sites. Artists and celebrities, along with small and big scale companies all start with the Facebook page.  That’s because it has the potential to pitch up their sales and also to make their marketing posts go viral. In this process, a like button can easily speed up the process.

By now, you would have realized that online business can do well only if you make use of social media efficiently and effectively. In the current day scenario, the social networking platform has become quite popular. You can find the required persons and businesses here. Though YouTube, Pinterest, and Twitter are indeed quite popular, Facebook has the maximum number of people. In fact, getting a Facebook page is considered a major part of a marketing strategy.


Facebook Likes Equate Good Reputation and Popularity 

For a maximum number of people, the number of Likes on Facebook indicates trustworthiness and provides a good impression on the clients and first-time visitors to the page. Most people tend to purchase products from companies that have already established a good online reputation. As per recent social eCommerce reviews, nearly 80% of Americans make their selections based on the reviews and Facebook popularity. 

Another important thing to consider is, that increased likes for a particular business or any celebrity attract several likes and shares. Once people get to know that others have liked the page too, even they start to like a page. It's true, think over it.

Buy Facebook likes – It saves your precious time and gives the confidence to boost the business.

Although buying Facebook likes may not be your exact target market yet, it is undeniably a good way to start your business page. A huge number of likes can definitely give instant confidence to boost your business. Ultimately, that confidence will reflect on your interactions with potential customers. 


Benefits of a Strong Facebook Profile

We’ve spoken to plenty of people who struggle to see the value of Facebook and therefore ignore the platform or let their page just sit with no attention. You’re going to see why you should purchase Facebook likes, but first, let’s learn why is Facebook important in the first place.


Connect with Your Audience

Firstly, you should have a Facebook page because it allows you to connect with your audience and build a community around your brand. In years gone by, connecting with a company was almost impossible because people had no way to get in touch.

Now, businesses are only a Facebook comment away, and it works both ways. Customers love engaging with companies, and you can help generate excitement by engaging with customers back.

As well as posting to your page, you should also reply to comments. Especially when somebody asks a question, you can transform a lead into a customer just by answering a simple question on social media. 

facebook likes for pages

Before moving on, we should also state that Facebook has around 2.7 billion active monthly users. With this many people using Facebook around the world, you’re almost certain to find the people who need and love your service. Even if you reach a minuscule percentage of this user base, Facebook is still worth your time and attention.

Market Research

What is the best way to learn about your audience and what they need? You could create all sorts of extravagant polls and surveys, or you could ask them directly on Facebook. When you ask questions of your audience, you quickly learn of more effective ways to advertise, develop products, and keep customers happy.


Authority and Credibility

When you buy Facebook likes and build a strong following, your page will gain credibility, and it's easier to keep growing. On the Internet, there's a principle called 'social proof', and this is where people follow the actions of others. If you want to join a community regarding golf, would you choose a page with 16 followers or 25,000 followers? It's the latter because we copy the behavior of others. Facebook allows you to build authority and credibility (and cheap Facebook likes makes this even easier!).

 Facebook Likes

Branding and Selling

With a strong Facebook profile, it’s easier to sell and advertise the business. We’ve seen that it’s important to have a consistent brand right across the Internet these days, and Facebook is another place for this to happen. 

Even if you're a two-person business with three products, there's no reason why you can't have a professional Facebook page that competes with a multinational corporation with thousands of employees around the world. Anybody can make sales on Facebook, and this means a level playing field for all the smaller businesses out there.



Lastly, another reason to start on Facebook is that it brings more exposure and visibility to the brand. These days, we’re living in a world where people look on Google and social media before visiting a physical location or ordering online. With a strong Facebook profile, people will come across your business when looking for a service of your type. Not only this, but they’ll also see your posts, engagement, customer reviews, and more.

If you’re currently producing fantastic content for your blog post, you can also use Facebook as a way to share this content with a wider audience. Once you encourage Facebook users to share, they’re doing the marketing on your behalf. 

To enjoy these benefits, it’s important to purchase Facebook likes because this can speed up the process and make your life much easier. 


The Vital Benefits of Buying Facebook Likes from Instant-Famous.com

instant facebook likes

Effective Advertising Strategy

It is the most effective advertising platform which is used to keep a record of all the like activity. Business owners achieve a much higher degree of profit and name with Facebook advertising and likes.


More Traffic to Your Site

Incorporating a like button into your website can easily help you in increasing traffic. Each time, when the visitor clicks on the button, the website information is shared with friends through their News Feed, which produces more traffic to the site.

Amongst all the Facebook social plugins, like buttons, are quite easy to use. It just requires a small piece of code to be embedded into the website. Even those people lacking technical skills can easily incorporate it.


Email Marketing Capability

When customers like your page, immediately they are added to a customer fan base. By making use of a messaging feature contained in the administrative page console, easily you can send broadcast-style emails to the customers and can target them based on age, location, and age. Another important thing to consider is, that this tactic shouldn't be overused. The better way is to send an occasional email to the customers.


Affinity Expression

Facebook Like is an expression of affinity. It means that a visitor has an interest in your business and would like to hear more about the business. They will be opting to receive emails from you. This, in turn, can lead to the building of many personal relationships with customers and engaging with them.

get facebook likes

More Engaged Users to Your Site

As per the Facebook prediction, the people who like a particular Facebook page like button are indeed more active and engaged than an average Facebook user.


Likes Show the Path to Insights

The Facebook page provides detailed data on the Fan activity, according to their age, geographic location, and gender. All of these are very much essential for market research. When you create a Facebook business strategy, it's essential to have an idea regarding what actually you would like to achieve. Is your main goal to make business ads or to drive more traffic to your site? A visitor to the website can either make a purchase or can like your business page. Most businesses can be benefitted in both ways, and a combination of both is really a good choice. Before you start working, make sure of the reasons for being on Facebook.

This technique of using a Facebook strategy for your business has proven to be very effective for several companies. Bear in mind that “Likes” are the backbone of the entire network.

Any business can see much better results while advertising its products or services. Firstly, the visitors are supposed to like the page to see the offer. Once done with that, later, they can click on the webpage to make a purchase.

If you are capable of keeping the momentum and can thank the people liking your page, then you can see your promotions going viral on your sites. Once you start focusing on social media such as Facebook, then it becomes quite easy to promote your business. Nevertheless, it's not so easy to get Facebook likes in the huge numbers necessary for you. But still, there are many ways to solve this issue.

Marketing a business using social media will definitely give a much bigger return than the time, money, and effort you invest in your business. Ensure you adhere to strict guidelines set by Facebook guidelines whilst allowing the people to "like" your business page. 


Why Choose Instant Famous?

We don't shy away from the competition, and we know you can buy Facebook likes from other services. Instead, we work hard to be the most reliable, professional, and best service around. You could go elsewhere, but we believe in our services for the following reasons!


Affordable and Simple Service

Whether you’re a business or an individual, we cater to all budgets. We appreciate that not everybody has lots of money to spend on marketing, and this is why we have cheap Facebook likes. We’ve even broken down the service into packages so you aren’t forced into buying more than you need. Starting at 500 likes, you can also buy packages of 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, 25,000, 50,000, or 100,000 likes.

What's more, it's easy to get started. All you need to do is choose your quantity in the package, type your Facebook page link, and add this to the cart. Within one to three days, you'll get real likes on your Facebook page, and there's even dedicated 24/7 customer support in case something goes wrong.


Long-Term Growth

Many of our customers, we have long-term relationships with them because of the nature of our service. Even if they don’t come back to buy Facebook likes, they might invest in website traffic, Instagram followers, YouTube views, or something else entirely. We have the tools to help across all platforms in your marketing strategy.


Real Likes

While our competitors might use robots and other fake services, we use real likes, and your likes will never disappear. In other words, you get permanent, genuine likes when you order cheap Facebook likes from Instant Famous.


Safe and Smooth Payment

Of course, we also appreciate that you want to protect both your personal details and bank information. With this in mind, we offer secure payments through PayPal, one of the safest payment systems on the Internet. Just choose the number of likes you want and then pay for them safely and securely.

You now know the value of Facebook, why likes help, and why Instant Famous is the best solution. Why not get started today?

5 stars rating

Facebook Likes
Rated: 4,6 / 5 based on 357 customer reviews
9,99 In stock
Product description: Buy and Get Cheap Facebook Likes Instantly. Only genuine and 100% real likes to improve your brand awareness, reputation and your fan page engagement with verified fans.