Kaufen Sie Twitch-Ansichten

Frequently Asked


Have a different question about how we works or the pricing plans available? Get in touch with one of our specialists.

What is a Twitch View?

Wenn ein Twitch-Benutzer Ihrem Livestream beitritt, handelt es sich um eine Twitch-Ansicht.

Is it illegal to buy views on Twitch?

Nein, der Kauf von Twitch-Ansichten ist nicht illegal, solange Sie echte Aufrufe kaufen.

Will buying Twitch Views benefit me?

Natürlich! Als Streamer musst du nach Möglichkeiten suchen, deine Zuschauerzahlen auf Twitch zu erhöhen. Wenn ja, hilft dir der Kauf von Twitch-Aufrufen a Tonne.

Zum Beispiel:

  • Es wird Ihre Popularität steigern.

  • Es wird einen Ripple-Effekt auf deine Aufrufe haben, indem es deine Zuschauerzahlen ausweitet und neue Zuschauer für deinen Stream anzieht.

  • Das wird es bauen Sie das Vertrauen Ihrer Zuschauer in Ihre Inhalte auf.

  • Es vermittelt die Botschaft, dass Ihre Inhalte von hoher Qualität sind. 

Where can I buy Twitch Views?

Du kannst Twitch Views auf mehreren Social-Media-Marketingplattformen kaufen. Instant Famous ist einer der besten Anbieter von Twitch Views, der dir zur Verfügung steht authentische Ansichten von echten Benutzern zu wirklich erschwinglichen Preisen.

Is buying Twitch Views safe?

 Der Kauf von Twitch Views ist auf jeden Fall sicher. Wir liefern Ihnen nur qualitativ hochwertige und echte Ansichten, und die Chancen, dass Ihr Twitch-Konto gesperrt wird, sind nahezu unmöglich. Wir haben bereits Hunderte und Tausende von Twitch-Ansichten an viele Streamer wie Sie geliefert, und keiner unserer Kunden hat gemeldet, dass er gesperrt wurde. 

How much does it cost to buy Twitch Views?

Nun, es kommt darauf an auf das von Ihnen gewählte Paket. Bei Instant Famous können Sie 1.000 Twitch-Aufrufe für 9,43 $ kaufen und können bis zu 25.000 Twitch-Aufrufe steigern für 8,47 $.

How to buy Twitch Views at Instant Famous?

 Der Kauf von Twitch-Ansichten bei Instant Famous ist ein Kinderspiel. Wir haben einen vereinfachten 3-Schritte-Kaufprozess, dem jeder folgen kann.

Schritt 1: Wählen Sie das Ansichtspaket aus, das Sie kaufen möchten.

Schritt 2: Geben Sie die URL Ihres Twitch-Kanals an.

Schritt 3: Bearbeiten Sie die Zahlung von Ihre Bestellung.

Das war's!

Do you require the password of my Twitch account to deliver the Views?

Nein, wir benötigen Ihr Passwort nicht, um Ihre Twitch-Ansichten bereitzustellen. Wir benötigen keinen Zugriff auf Ihr Konto. Wir bitten Sie, den Link zu dem Kanal anzugeben, für den Sie Aufrufe wünschen. Nur! 

When will you deliver my views?

 Es dauert nicht so lange, um Ihre Ansichten zu übermitteln. Tatsächlich können Sie den Fortschritt in der Anzahl Ihrer Aufrufe sehen, direkt nachdem Sie die Bestellung mit Zahlung bestätigt haben. Wir füttern Ihren Kanal jedoch weiterhin langsam, aber stetig mit Aufrufen. Auf diese Weise erscheinen deine gekauften Aufrufe nicht zwielichtig oder als Spam.

Will I lose the bought views in the future?

Twitch-Aufrufe, die wir bei Instant Famous bereitstellen, haben gewonnen geh nirgendwo hin. Da es sich nicht um Bot-generierte Aufrufe handelt, sinkt die Anzahl Ihrer Aufrufe nie.

Will I violate the Twitch Policy by buying views?

Nicht wirklich! Instant Famous stellt sicher, dass alle Twitch-Regeln befolgt werden, und wendet niemals falsche Techniken an, die gegen die Twitch-Regeln verstoßen könnten. Also, wenn Sie Ihre Ansichten mit Instant Famous kaufen, werfen Sie den Stress aus, gegen die Regeln zu verstoßen. Denn wir liefern Ihnen nur echte Ansichten, die keineswegs verdächtig sind.

€4.99 €7.99

Get More Eyes on Your Twitch Streams

Make your streams stand out and get discovered on Twitch.

Boost your Twitch views and reach a wider audience with Instant Famous.

Instant Delivery Guaranteed

Don't wait to get your Views. Orders typically process within minutes of purchase

100% Real Views

High-quality Views delivered instantly from real users with real accounts (no bots or fake accounts). We guarantee a quality service.

24/7 Customer Support

Instant Famous's experienced staff prides itself on providing the best service possible.

Still not convinced?
Here’s what our customers say

Twitch TV is a live streaming video platform owned by Twitch Interactive - also known as a subsidiary of This site mainly focuses on video gaming, broadcast of sports, and creative content. The activities on the sites can either be viewed LIVE or on-demand. Twitch TV has nearly 45 million viewers across the world.

Most of you might not be aware of the word "grow on Twitch." It just only means increasing the Twitch followers. Is there any possibility of getting 1000 followers without any viewers? You can also have more than 1000 followers with 100 active viewers. 

What do you think is the best way to grow more on Twitch?

More followers with no guaranteed views? Or more views that might bring you more followers?

The second one, of course.

Features and Advantages of Buying Twitch Views

•    Channel Views

The channel views help to enhance the popularity of the stream. You can add several channel views from across the world if you feel the views from just one specific region won't work for you.

•    Online Web Panel

With this feature, you can easily control everything by yourself. There is no need to download anything extra. You can control everything either on your PC, or your smartphone.

•    Chatters

Live viewers without any chatters in the viewers' list seem suspicious. That's the reason why there is an option for complimentary chatters for all the live viewers.

•    Safe and Anonymous

This feature is mainly designed after keeping privacy in mind. There are a great number of rules as well as security measures available.

•    Live Viewers

Live viewers to the stream are provided, out of which you can be in control with the premium web panel. In fact, this is one of the best ways to gain a greater audience. So, decide two things in advance.

How many live viewers do you need? And when do you need them?

•    Unlimited Time

Most of the streaming services are available to the viewers on an hourly basis. There are unlimited packages available so that you can make use of this service whenever you need it.

•    24/7 Live Chat Support

Most of the stream boosting services offer 24/7 live support as well as email support. Don't ever get fooled by the competitors who offer live chat a maximum of 1-2 hours per day.

•    Highest Quality

We provide high-quality services. We only use private, dedicated proxies and VPNs. However, we have noticed almost all the competitors use public proxies that are quite easy to detect.

•    100% Uptime Support

We provide you 100% uptime support services so that you can view the stream whenever you need it without any worry.

You can find the best service provider who can offer guaranteed views, and the views should be natural and real. Some of the service providers can deliver the views within 24 hours. Buying Twitch Views from Instant Famous can drive high traffic to your channel and make your videos popular.

Game You Play

The type of games that you play will determine your audience. There are chances of becoming the best possible streamer in the entire world.

If you play only small niche games, then it becomes hard for people to identify you.  On the other hand, If you play extremely popular games, you will be at risk of getting lost in the crowd.

What action has to be taken?

Finally, you must choose to play your favorite games. Why? Because you enjoy playing them. All that you are supposed to do is, be aware of the pros and cons of your selection. Also, know how the selection of games can impact the visibility of your favorite channel.

Banned Games

Certain types of games are banned for twitch users like "gratuitous violence "and the ones that contain  "overtly sexual content." Some other games like BMX XXX, Rinse and Repeat, Dramatical Murder, and other games, that are categorized as "Adults Only"  by the US Entertainment Software Rating Board irrespective of their rating.


Reasons why no one is viewing your Twitch streams

•    Just launched your channel and not monetizing

There is no magic formula to get instant followers and viewers right away. It needs time to build an active community. Also, you need to show your followers that it’s pretty worth their time to watch live shows.

•    No Proper Schedule

If your favorite TV shows are telecasted live at inconsistent times, the number of people watching the show would be less. So, you have to commit yourself to a regular schedule. Ensure that your show is telecasted at the same time every week.

•    No Communication

Good communication with live viewers is what makes a stream so special. If you are not using your microphone to talk to your viewers, you are missing out on the biggest strength of Twitch live streaming. It provides a different type of experience.

When you actively acknowledge your twitch followers. It just not only strengthens the relationship with fans but also makes the video stream more entertaining. If you can't afford a face cam, you should get yourself a simple microphone to chat with the audience, at least.

Supported Platform

Twitch mobile app is available in Android as well as iOS platforms. Some of the key features include Twitch streaming the content into "High Definition" and "Landscape View."  Browsing options are also available for the users to browse their favorite game and chat with other viewers.

Twitch has also been integrated into the PC software that includes direct video streaming to Twitch. In 2013, Twitch developed a software development kit to allow the developers to integrate Twitch streaming on their websites easily. On the other hand, twitch also supports streaming from other consoles. Besides, Twitch has designed some of the dedicated software for PlayStation 4, Quya, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.