Comentarios de Instagram

Frequently Asked


Have a different question about how we works or the pricing plans available? Get in touch with one of our specialists.

Q1. What are the Instagram comments?

Ans. Below each post, there are the Like and Comment key buttons. The comment button allows your followers to express their opinion about your post, and they can also add tags. You’ll receive notifications if your followers comment on your posts.

Q2. Why do you need Instagram comments, and how do they help you?

Ans. It is a good sign that you have an audience when you gain likes and comments for your Instagram post. If you have a large number of the following but no involvement, it is a cause for concern.

Instagram Likes and comments are the best way to gain your audience's attention. You will need more than an average number of comments to expand your reach, and you can raise your profile through hundreds of comments.

Q3. From where can I buy Instagram comments?

Ans. You can buy Instagram comments from several social media marketing services online. However, the best place to purchase legit, and quality comments is Instant Famous, where we deliver nothing but high-quality services.

Q4.Is it safe to buy Instagram comments?

Ans. Definitely! It is legal. But you might have heard that Instagram has warned people about purchasing comments. Fortunately, that's not the issue with the comments service we provide. At Instant Famous, Our team ensures that our social media service packages are provided by specialists who have worked hard to develop comments by following safe strategies. It means that our services are 100% risk-free. You can rely on Instant Famous because we won’t violate any of Instagram’s laws when delivering our Instagram comment services. So you don't need to worry about your account’s safety.

Q5. Can purchasing Instagram comments get my account banned?

Ans. We assure you that there is ultimately no possibility of this incident. After all, you are not violating Instagram policy.  Plus, millions of businesses and professionals are using paid Instagram comments services, and they haven’t experienced any mishap. Purchasing Instagram comments are just like advertising or marketing your business. We have been providing these promotional services for years and have not received a single complaint.

Q6. How to buy Instagram comments from Instant Famous?

Ans. We have several packages, most of which are very cheap. Therefore, all you have to do is follow a three-step procedure.

The first step is to choose the package according to your budget and requirements.

Then you will provide a link to your post where you want your IG comments delivered.

You will receive comments according to the package you selected.

Q7. How long do I have to wait for comments?

Ans. In most cases, we start posting comments on your Instagram post within seconds, but it might take an hour or depending on the number and the size of order which you selected. Luckily, to further provide you with the fastest service, we are expanding our company's human resources and capabilities.

Q8. For purchasing Instagram comments, do you require an account password or username?

Ans. No, we don't need any login information to perform our services. However, if any social media marketing company asks you to provide your ID information, we strongly recommend you never order your IG comments from them.

Q9. Does everyone know that I bought my Instagram comments?

Ans. We take care of your privacy and assure you that all of your information and data will be in a secure place. We keep your privacy as our top priority and never save any of your personal information. So, rest assured that no one will know that you bought Instagram comments through our promotional campaign.

Q10. Do the IG comments you provide come from real Instagram users?

Ans. Yes! Every IG comments campaign participant at Instant Famous is a real Instagram user and has a natural and good quality IG account. We strongly condemn bot-generated and software-generated comments and provide authentic Instagram comments on your post.

Q11. Can I get comments for different posts?

Ans. Of course! You can buy comments for as many posts as you want. Keep in mind you have to purchase new orders for every post because we can't split a single order on different posts.

Q12. How many minimum or a maximum number of comments can I buy?

Ans. There is a specific number of comments in each package. For example, there are only ten comments in the smallest package, and that's for $4.60. And the maximum amount of comments you can buy for your IG post is 100 comments for only $34.58.

Q13. Can I buy multiple packages of Instagram comments for a single post?

Ans. You can order multiple orders. Just keep in mind that you can't order less than one comment on a single post. So always wait for the first order to finish before you buy the second package.

Q14. Do you offer a free trial of your service?

Ans. Unfortunately, we don’t offer any free trial of IG comments. However, we provide low-cost packages that are good enough to understand how our service fares. You can try buying the cheapest package, and we are sure you'll want to buy more.

Q15. What is the advantage of buying Instagram comments from Instant Famous?

Ans. Instant Famous is one of the best promotional service providers with many satisfied customers who recommend Instant Famous to buy Instagram comments and buy other Instagram services.

Q16. Can I see any improvement on my Instagram post when I buy comments from you?

Ans. Of course! On social media, people imitate each other's actions. When an Instagram post has no comments, other users might hesitate to stand by and invest some time in posting the comment. When you buy IG comments from Instant Famous, you push your followers to stop and leave a comment on your IG post.

Q17. Is it legal to buy Instagram comments?

Ans. Of course! We are here to provide genuine and reliable services to the customers. We design all our social media marketing packages to follow specific guidelines related to the platform where they are to be delivered. It means when you order comments for Instagram, they will be delivered without breaking the rules of the Instagram community. Our experienced and well-trained teams keep an eye on all the regulations and updates to ensure reliable services to the clients for the competitions online. 

Q18. Is it possible to buy Instagram comments from a private account?

Ans. Sorry! This service is available for the accounts set to public settings, especially during the delivery duration. Once the desired number of comments is received, you can get back to the private mode. 

Q19. Is it safe to purchase Instagram comments?

Ans. We are dedicated to delivering 100% safe and trustworthy services to clients. We do not ask for your account credentials to provide comments. There is no need to share any of your sensitive information to place an order. All we need is your username, and as soon as you confirm the order to buy Instagram comments, we start delivering your order. However, it is essential to note that delivering comments to accounts set to private mode is not possible. Users need to choose public mode until we deliver all of your comments.

Q20. Can I decide what is to be said in the comments?

Ans. Yes, of course, you can. We better understand that you need a specific kind of engagement on your business platform. It is imperative to get customized comments to enhance your popularity online. We allow you to take control over statements to get precisely what you want on your page. There are different packages for customized and tailored comments that you can purchase online. 

Q21. Is it possible to add emojis and @mentions into custom comments?

Ans. We do not provide comments with @mentions. Any such mentioned typed in the comments may harm your delivery guarantee. However, emojis in the comments are always acceptable. It is vital to ensure that we do not deliver comments that do not meet the Instagram policies; it includes racist, hateful, or other discriminatory content.

€3.29 €7.99

Get Real Instagram Comments for More Engagement

Buying Instagram comments boosts interaction and visibility, making your posts more engaging and attracting a larger audience.

Elevate your Instagram with Instant Famous' affordable comment packages to enhance engagement and grow your presence quickly

Instant Delivery Guaranteed

Don't wait to get your Comments. Orders typically process within minutes of purchase

100% Real Comments

High-quality Comments delivered instantly from real users with real accounts (no bots or fake accounts). We guarantee a quality service.

24/7 Customer Support

Instant Famous's experienced staff prides itself on providing the best service possible.

Still not convinced?
Here’s what our customers say

En un mundo en el que se tocan dos veces y se deja un corazón en cada foto que aparece en las noticias de IG, lograr que las personas se detengan y comenten con todo el corazón es la VERDADERA OFERTA...

Si creen que los comentarios en Instagram son de importancia secundaria frente a las publicaciones de fotos y videos, amigos, se están perdiendo algo grande. Los comentarios de Instagram ¡pueden hacer o deshacer el trato!

Sabes qué

Es la sección de comentarios de Instagram donde haces conexiones.

Los comentarios le permiten a tu audiencia dejar que sus pensamientos sobre tu perfil de IG o tu marca brillen en unas pocas palabras. Pueden expresar sus sentimientos que un simple doble toque no transmitirán.

Es posible que obtengas muchos Me gusta y vistas en tus fotos o videos de IG, lo que puede sonar genial.

Piensa de nuevo. ¿Estos me gusta y vistas por sí solos harán que su campaña promocional sea exitosa? ¡¡¡Diablos, NO!!! Si tienes numerosos Me gusta y vistas pero ningún comentario en tus publicaciones, esa no es una combinación perfecta para promocionar tu marca.

Ahora te preguntarás cómo puedo obtener más comentarios en mis publicaciones de IG

(¡Ah, esa es la pregunta correcta!)

Una forma segura de obtener más comentarios en tus publicaciones de IG es comprar palabras reales. Aquí encontrará todo lo que necesita saber sobre comprar comentarios reales de Instagram.

Cómo funciona la compra de comentarios de Instagram

Ya seas DJ, cantante, editor de podcasts, marca o influencer de Instagram, lograr que la gente se detenga y escriba algunas palabras puede ser una tarea difícil. Necesitas crear publicaciones increíbles, crear descripciones interesantes, agregar hashtags relevantes y, lo peor de todo, esperar días para obtener la participación deseada.

Por otro lado, comprar comentarios reales de Instagram puede acelerar el proceso.

Bien, eh

Comprar comentarios reales de Instagram es pan comido con Instant Famous.

Elige un paquete: eliges un paquete de comentarios de Instagram que sea factible para ti y compras nuestros comentarios de Instagram reales.

Proporcione la información requerida: a continuación, proporcione el enlace de su publicación de IG y realice el pago.

Reciba sus comentarios: siéntese y disfrute de la sección de comentarios de su publicación.

¡Todo esto es sólo cuestión de minutos!

Aún así, quiero más comentarios No hay problema. Puede repetir el proceso y volver a obtener el compromiso deseado. Simplemente sea inteligente al ordenar sus paquetes de comentarios de IG. No exageres tus publicaciones con comentarios. Puedes hacer crecer tus comentarios lenta y gradualmente.

Espera y observa el poder de los comentarios de Instagram que compraste. Serán una excelente manera de iniciar el hilo de comentarios debajo de tu publicación. Luego, cuando otros usuarios de Instagram vean que tu publicación tiene muchos comentarios, la sección de comentarios inundada atraerá su atención. De esta forma, no sólo prestarán atención a tu posición sino que también dejarán un comentario (hay muchas posibilidades de que lo hagan). 

¿Está todo claro acerca de la compra de comentarios de Instagram?

¡Ahora, compre los paquetes más adecuados para sus publicaciones de IG de inmediato y dirija su perfil de IG hacia el éxito!


 Compre comentarios de Instagram de Instant Famous.

5 stars rating

Comentarios de Instagram
Clasificado: 5 / 5 basado en 27 opiniones de clientes
3,99 En stock
Descripción del producto: Compre comentarios de Instagram y mejore su foto o video de compromiso en Instagram. Los precios que encontrarás son extremadamente bajos en comparación con el otro proveedor