
اسئلة متداولة


لديك سؤال مختلف حول كيفية عملنا أو خطط التسعير المتاحة؟ تواصل مع أحد المتخصصين لدينا.

Ans. Instagram Likes come from normal Instagram users. Contrarily, our Instagram Power Likes service provides you likes from the Instagram influencers (the BIGGER accounts who have 10,000 to 5k followers). 

As they have a huge fan following, getting likes from them can help you grow with an immense speed.

Ans. When you buy Instagram power likes from big accounts, your photos and videos will get a lot more engagement and results. Your photo will soon end up getting viral.

Ans. Of course, they are real. We don’t believe in providing bot-generated or software-generated services. The power likes you buy from Instant Famous come from real power accounts. 

Ans. You should buy power likes to grow to get viral in a short period. If you have ever wished to see your content trending, buying Instagram power likes is the best bet for you. No doubt, the platform is highly saturated, but you can open the door for tons of opportunities for yourself by giving your posts a little boost. All you need to do is get a firm grip over your target audience and plan your marketing strategies accordingly. 

Ans. The algorithm of Instagram boosts your posts based on engagement. The more engagement your post gets, the more it will help you grow.

Buying power likes can help you with the following things:

  • Instagram power likes to bring you to the top spot at "Explore Page.

  • They allow you to expand the reach of your content.

  • They help you enhance your exposure.

  • With Instagram power likes, you enhance your marketing efforts.

  • In case you have multiple IG accounts, power likes can help you bring traffic on all of them.

Ans. Instagram power likes are the post likes, but they come from bigger Instagram accounts. If you have been using the platform for quite some time, you might know that the top-performing posts are shown in the “Explore Page.”

If you get power likes from huge accounts with a larger fanbase, soon your content will end up making its place in the "Explore Page." This is the real power of Instagram power likes.

Ans.  Instagram only bans accounts that are spammed with fake likes and followers. As we'll only deliver you genuine services, there's no chance of getting your account banned.

Ans. No, we never ask you to provide your password or any other personal information. You just have to provide the link of your IG photo (you want to buy power likes for) and you are done!

Please note that your Instagram photo has to be in the public mode to receive the power likes. Otherwise, we won't be able to provide you with the likes.

Ans. You should choose Instant Famous to buy your power likes for numerous reasons. Here is how we stand out from other online services:

High-quality Services: First and foremost reason you should choose Instant Famous is the quality of our services. The likes you receive from us come from high-profile accounts. All of the profiles have profile pictures, posts, and bio information. 

Instant Delivery: Getting power likes from Instant Famous means you won’t have to keep waiting to receive your power likes. We instantly deliver your order right after you confirm it.

24/7 Customer Support: When you buy your services with Instant Famous, you are backed up with round-the-clock customer support. You can always reach out to experts for any guidance or queries – even at night.

Affordability:  You get power likes at really affordable prices as we have priced our packages that resonate with the preferences of a large number of people.

Experience in the field: We are experienced with our social media marketing services and have helped many emerging brands and influencers grow.

Privacy Protection: Your safety and privacy are our top priority. We never ask you for any confidential information. When none of your information is saved with us, you can rest assured that your information is not being shared with third parties. 

Ans. Buying Power Likes from Instant Famous works in three steps.

Step 1:  You select the most suitable package for you from the provided list.

Step 2: You fill in all the details and process the payment.Step 3:  We get started with your order. You can see the magic happening!

Ans. You can buy your power likes from Instant Famous with the guarantee that they will stay. However, if your power likes to drop, we'll offer you a refill for sure. You can request a refill within 30 days of your order delivery.

Ans. No, our services are free from any location restriction and are offered worldwide. You can avail of our services, no matter from which country you are. All you need to do is get a good internet connection and conform to our payment methods while placing the order. That's it.

Ans.  The expected turnaround time depends on the size of your order. However, we start delivering your order right after you confirm it by processing the payment.  The maximum amount of time for your order completion is mentioned with each package. 

Ans.  No way! Since we deliver your order from real power accounts so these power likes are meant to stay, you won’t experience any drop in your likes.

اشتر إعجابات قوية على Instagram لتحجز لنفسك مكانًا متميزًا على IG

هل سبق لك أن شعرت بالفضول حول كيفية ظهور الأشخاص في أعلى صفحات Instagram؟

دعنا نسكب الفول لك. إنهم يحاولون القليل من القوة...

نعم، لقد سمعت ذلك بشكل صحيح. إنهم يحصلون على تفاعل من حسابات عالية الجودة!

هل يبدو هذا شيئًا مثيرًا للاهتمام؟ إنه كذلك بالفعل.

لذا، إذا كان بإمكانهم الاستفادة من القوة، فلماذا لا تستطيع أنت؟ أنك تريد أيضًا أن تصبح مشهورًا على Instagram، بعد كل شيء.

لا أعرف كيفية استخدام إمكانات الإعجابات القوية؟ لا تقلق! سنفعل ذلك من أجلك. لكن، أولاً، دعنا نستكشف ماهية "الإعجابات القوية" وما هي العجائب التي يمكن أن تقدمها لك.

ما هي الإعجابات القوية في Instagram؟


هل تعلم؟ يتمتع تطبيق Instagram، وهو تطبيق مشاركة الصور الاجتماعية، بـ مليار مستخدم شهريًا في جميع أنحاء العالم الكرة الأرضية. قف!

والأمر الأكثر إثارة للدهشة هو حقيقة أن هذه الأرقام تتزايد يومًا بعد يوم.

إن Instagram ليس منصة للعلامات التجارية الكبرى لتعزيز أعمالها فقط. لكنها منصة رائعة للنجوم الناشئين لتعزيز قاعدة قاعدتهم الجماهيرية. لكن المفتاح لكي تصبح نجمًا في IG هو التسويق الصحيح.

الآن، وبالعودة إلى Instagram Power Likes، فهي الإعجابات التي تم الحصول عليها من الحسابات الأكبر حجمًا (التي تتمتع بمدى وصول قوي، كما تعلم ☺). أصبح من السهل استكشاف منشورات IG التي تحصل على المزيد من الإعجابات في فترة أقصر.

وبعبارة أخرى...

تزيد الإعجابات القوية من فرص انتشار منشورك بسرعة كبيرة.

ستساعدك الإعجابات القوية في الوصول إلى أعلى "صفحة الاستكشاف" و"صفحات الهاشتاج". هذه هي الطريقة التي يشاهد بها ملايين الأشخاص المحتوى الخاص بك.

يبدو أنها صفقة عادلة، صحيح؟


 اشترِ إعجابات قوية على Instagram من Instant Famous.

5 stars rating

قوة الإعجابات على Instagram
التقييم: 5 / 5 بناءً على 244 تعليقات العملاء
2.99 متوفر في المخزون
وصف المنتج: هل تساءلت يومًا كيف ينتهي الأمر بالأشخاص بالوصول إلى أفضل صفحات Instagram؟؟ إنهم يحصلون على تفاعل من حسابات عالية الجودة! لقد نجحنا أخيرًا في إنشاء مجموعات مشاركة مع أعضاء VIP والتي ستساعدك على الوصول إلى صفحات Instagram. يمكنك تجربة هذه الخدمة الرائعة الآن!!!