social media promoter

Why You Need A Social Media Promoter Offering Instant Likes To Improve Your Online Business Social Media Presence

In a recent survey, 90% of all marketers said that using social media marketing has increased their business exposure. Small business owners and big brands are now turning to social media for more customers. With over 2 billion using social media platforms everyday, your current and potential customers are already on social media. You just need to find them.


social media presence


Nowadays, the quality of your social media presence has become one of the metrics customers use to determine who to do business with. In a survey, more than 60% of participants said they found a lot of the products they use on social media. Perhaps, this is why big brands such as Amazon, Microsoft, and even Google spend millions of dollars every year on endless advertisements as well as on paying highly-efficient but very experienced social media managers. 


You can easily find social media managers in important positions in various businesses. Top brands also involve social media managers in formulating and implementing their marketing plans. No doubt, social media managers have become "the voice of a brand" in recent years.


Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to hire an experienced in-house social media managers. Small businesses and new startups want to save cost. However, since social media marketing makes up a huge part of marketing backbone of many small businesses, they are increasingly seeking the services of social media promoters to help them build their social media strategy. Part of social media strategy employed by promoters is to buy instant social media likes. In this article, you will learn of top reasons why you may need a social media promoter offering instant likes to improve your overall marketing strategy. Keep on reading to find out more. 

Top Reasons Why You Need the Services of a Social Media Promoter Offering Instant Likes To Boost Your Social Media Marketing


1. Get an Effective Social Media Strategy

The number one reason why most small businesses fail to achieve social media success is because of lack of an effective social media strategy and experience. You need an experience to create a winning strategy you can use to attract new customers and retain old ones.


When you work with a promoter offering "instant likes" and "instant followers", you are likely to get social media consultation as part of the package. Most promoters offer packages that include helping you to build a winning strategy. This will make it easier for you to attract more sales while keeping the cost as low as possible. 


2. Give Your Business a Boost

When you are just starting to grow a new account, it takes an incredibly long time before you can see success. The fact is, if you don't already have a large number of followers, it will be hard to get new followers. This is caused by the fact that a lot of people don't trust your business when they see that you don't have a large number of followers. Most people will just assume that people are avoiding your business on purpose. Thus, they will avoid you too.


social media Business Boost


With targeted instant followers offered by professional promoters, you will get a huge number of real new followers. New followers means potential customers. Besides, once you have a large followers, it becomes very easy to increase the number even further. This is because most people will naturally trust your business. 


3. Drive Targeted Traffic

The ability to drive targeted traffic to any post can significantly boost your income. A new study has shown that when a social media post receives huge targeted traffic, the ability to get a new sale from such a post increases up to 40%. 


Fortunately, there are tons of social media platforms where you can get targeted traffic. A Pew Research Center study showed that 68% of American adults make use of Facebook, 78% use Instagram, and over 45% use Twitter. An experienced social media promoter can help you to target a particular age group or even a certain people with specific income range. This way, you can easily convert your post into sales.


4. Appear of Instagram "Explore Page" 

Millions of Instagram marketers pray for a chance to feature on Instagram's Explore page. Unfortunately, praying alone won't just do it for you. You must take action. Instagram Explore page is where millions of Instagram users come to search for contents. Appearing on this page can boost the number of your current followers significantly and bring in new sales. 


Getting to Instagram Explore page is very competitive. Only a few people have mastered the strategy to get there. Fortunately, an experienced social media promoter can help you with "instant likes" and "views" to significantly boost your chances of getting to this page within a short period of time. 


5. Use Social Media To Boost Your Site's SEO

Have you ever searched for a "query" on the search engine and Google showed you a social media page? Nowadays, it is possible to boost your site's SEO with social media. Since search engines are allowed to crawl Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other social media platforms, they know which pages are consistently earning traffic and which are just floating out there, forgotten, and ignored.


Receiving hundreds or even thousands of instant likes will help you to increase your chances of ranking first on search engine result page (SERP). When this happens, the prospect of gaining new customers and new sales go up significantly.


6. Keeps You Active

A new Facebook report showed that millions of Facebook pages have been abandoned by people who created them. Interestingly, some of these pages has up to 30,000 followers. This phenomenon not only happen on Facebook but also on Instagram, Twitter, as well as on other social media platforms. 


increase sales when your social media


A lot of businesses abandon their social media pages when it is not bringing the type of result they hoped for. Unfortunately, the reason the result didn't come in the first place is because your strategy was ineffective. When you work with a promoter, he offers you strategy and services that guarantee your social media presence will be solid and you will always be active. It is easier to attract new followers and increase sales when your social media account is still active.


Similarly, it is easier to keep an active account active by adding new likes, views, and followers than trying to resurrect a dead or abandoned social media page. 


Final Words

No doubt, working with a social media promoter will help your business in a number of ways. A reliable promoter knows exactly what you need to make your business succeed. Note that not every promoter can be relied on. Always go for those with experience and have received a lot of positive reviews. These are the ones that know how to make use of real instant likes and real instant views to take your marketing to the next level.